A couple of weeks ago, I posed a question to readers of The Washington Post’s Eat Voraciously newsletter: How do you feel about seeing the nutritional information under each recipe? I asked because, as someone who continues to heal from an eating disorder, I find both providing and consuming nutritional information with recipes to be very challenging. I wish it wasn’t there, or at least required a consenting click-through to get to. (More on that later.

) But I know my opinions and feelings are just that: mine. I was curious to hear from readers. And wow, did they respond! We received more than 300 emails from newsletter readers, and I estimate that I got at least 100 direct messages on Instagram.

The responses were not only robust, but they were also thoughtful and diverse. Thank you to those who took the time to write in. First, let me assure you that The Post has no plans to remove nutritional information on its recipes.

I asked the question because I am interested in your feelings. (After all, I’m married to a therapist.) Your feedback fell into three buckets: pro, anti and neutral.

I’ll start with the neutral folks, because their answers were most amusing. “I didn’t even know it was there!” said several readers. “What nutritional info?” asked one person.

For those who like having nutritional information on recipes: Many readers use the information to make informed decisions about what they’re cooking and eating. In fact, some folks said if the recipes .