Hello Haya! I’m a single mother of a little girl who is constantly trying to make sense of the world around her. My daughter is six years old and very sharp. She knows that her father and I are divorced, but obviously doesn’t understand the reasons behind it.

My husband had cheated on me and I immediately filed for divorce. He never cared for his daughter and my little girl doesn’t even remember her father much. But sometimes she asks me certain questions knowing that many of her friends have both parents who love them and care for them.

I believe that my family and I are enough for our daughter, but I get really scared at times thinking what I’ll do if someday she would ask me about him. I strongly despise that man and want nothing to do with him. He was a careless father who never thought about his daughter’s well-being.

I don’t want to be the bad guy, but I don’t want to keep my daughter oblivious to the truth once she grows up. Is it selfish of me to think that way? — A single mom Dear single mom, Parenting challenges can bring up a range of emotions, especially when it involves navigating difficult aspects like single parenting, divorce, and the absence of a co-parent. It's common in your situation to experience a range of feelings such as sadness, anger, guilt, and even relief or empowerment at times.

Each emotion is valid and reflects the complexity of your experience. I want to acknowledge your courage and bravery for standing up for yourself and doing.