Experts are predicting a slug-heavy autumn and are urging gardeners to protect their plants from the dangerous pests. The rainy Scottish summer was perfect for snails and slugs, which love damp conditions and thrive in low sun, reports the Express . As autumn approaches, these snail-friendly conditions will only become more frequent.

Gardeners must prepare their backyards to deter the pests before their numbers grow too large to manage. Slugs and snails are pesky molluscs with an appetite for garden staples like strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, potato foliage, and flowers of all varieties. Other backyard classics like hostas, zinnias, chrysanthemums, marigolds, and delphiniums are among their favourites.

This summer, slug and snail numbers skyrocketed as damp weather persisted throughout the warmer months. October weather is projected to be even more favourable to the slimy creeps. But fear not! Gardeners can combat the onslaught of pests using a failsafe secret weapon that you are guaranteed to have on hand already - instant coffee .

Jars of the stuff can be purchased for just a few quid at your local shop, and it can mean the difference between your garden flourishing or floundering. Caffeine is toxic to slugs and snails, prompting some gardening experts to use it as a form of natural pest control. However, be aware that coffee causes a slow and painful death for slugs, which is even worse than salt.

Gardeners should not expose the creatures directly to coffee grounds -.