Listen to Story Delhi's groundwater is high in salt content, according to a report by the Central Ground Water Authority. One out of four groundwater samples taken from the capital city had very high electric conductivity (EC), and more than 25% of water samples analysed in Delhi are saline. This is second only to Rajasthan, where 30% of the samples were found to be saline .

HOW DOES HIGH SALT WATER LEAD TO KIDNEY PROBLEMS? The national electric conductivity average is 6%, representing conductivity higher than 3,000 micro siemens per centimetre. The permissible range of electric conductivity for groundwater is between 750 and 3,000 units at 25 degrees Celsius. However, when the EC is more than 3,000 units, then it becomes unsuitable for drinking, causing several diseases, including kidney-related problems .

"Salt (sodium) is one of the major constituents of the fluid balance in the body. If you have a high salt intake, your body will retain more water to dilute the salt concentration. This can give you elevated blood pressure which has a negative effect on your kidneys," said Dr Mohit Khirbat, Consultant, Nephrology, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram.

The permissible range of electric conductivity for groundwater is between 750 and 3,000 units at 25 degrees Celsius. (Photo: AFP) High sodium intake can cause the body to retain water, increasing blood volume and blood pressure. Over time, this increased pressure can damage the blood vessels in the kidneys, reducing their ability to f.