House of the Dragon Season 2’s final episode raised plenty of questions, so much so that it might have distracted viewers from one major Easter egg. Season 2 brought plenty more of George R.R.

Martin’s world to life, for better or worse. Over the course of the season, we had , (maybe), and now, the Green Men. It’s a blink-and-you-miss-it moment during the , wherein Daemon goes to the Weirwood tree to seek out his final vision.

As he follows to the tree, he spots a strange-looking creature in the background. It appears to be a human-shaped figure with antlers on its head. This, combined with the subtitles (“antlered human shape clip-clopping, grumbles”), has allowed to realize that we’ve just had our first on-screen glimpse of the Green Men.

First look at the Green Men in They guard the Isle of Faces located in the God's Eye They are believed to have antlers — but some think they wear them as headdresses “Someone was paid to add a subtitle with ‘clip-clopping’. Living the dream,” one user wrote. Another agreed, adding: “Scared the hell out of me on first viewing.

Cool addition.” “That’s what that was!” said one. “It was hard to see and Daemon’s been tripping so frequently that I wasn’t sure it was real.

” Daemon’s vision was a sign of things to come for Westeros, and some fans think the sight of the Green Man might be an eerie piece of foreshadowing, too. As one user wrote: “I interpreted that as an omen of Robert’s Rebellion, and t.