by Sangeeta Kocharekar URL Copied! A cinema room, co-working space and bike rental are just a few of the amenities Steel House in the centre of Copenhagen offers. It’s not a hotel — it’s a hostel, part of a trend I’ve noticed of hostels stepping up their game, bridging the gap between hotels and earning themselves the name ‘poshtels’. “Hostels are all fancy now with good design and killer cocktail programs,” wrote Mark Ellwood in Conde Nast Traveler in 2018.

Back then luxury hostels included those in the Generator and Freehand group and Clink in London and Amsterdam. var VMDAdsTheLatch = window.VMDAdsTheLatch || {}; var gptAdSlots = window.

gptAdSlots || {}; googletag.cmd.push(function() { var slot_teads = googletag.

defineSlot('/22219324693/thelatch/teads', [1, 1],'gam_teads') .setTargeting('pos', 'teads') .addService(googletag.

pubads()); googletag.display('gam_teads'); gptAdSlots['gam_teads'] = slot_teads; VMDAdsTheLatch.addHeaderBiddingSlot(slot_teads); }); Since then more luxury hostels have opened and the demand is there.

Google searches for ‘poshtel’ peaked in Australia in April this year. Draper Startup House , a collection of hostels for professionals, opened a branch in Hyderabad, India late last year. Generator Berlin Alexanderplatz opened in June 2024 and Paramount Hotel by Generator in New York’s Times Square will open this September.

The very best of The Latch delivered straight to your inbox. Image: Drifter Christchurch In June 2024, accommod.