A MUM-of-five died after being mauled by a dog at home just weeks after the death of her daughter. Michelle Hempstead, 34, was attacked by the animal, which wasn't a banned breed, in Southend, Essex, last month. The mum was rushed to hospital but sadly couldn't be saved and died the following day.

An inquest today heard how Michelle suffered a "dog bite wound to left upper arm". A post mortem found her left axillary artery - the main artery to the arm - was severed in the horror . Multi-organ failure and hypovolemic shock - where a severe loss of blood or other fluids prevents the heart from pumping enough blood - were also given as contributory causes.

Lincoln Brookes, senior coroner for Essex, adjourned the full inquest pending a criminal investigation . Essex Police confirmed they were called to an address in Retort Close at 11.30pm on July 29.

Two dogs were seized but one is not believed to have been involved in the horror. A GoFundMe page has now been launched to help raise money for Michelle's funeral . Most read in The Sun Liah Smith, who started the fundraiser, said: "Michelle wasn’t just a mother to 5 beautiful children, she was a daughter, a friend, a neighbour, a big support system for the people around her but undoubtedly the kindest soul to have crossed everyone's paths.

"We are absolutely heartbroken by her absence and we’d like to do her justice by coming together as a community at this unfortunate time." Liah also told how Michelle's death is the second tr.