Aries (March 20 – April 19) Everybody, including you, complains about the confusion triggered by the period when Mercury is retrograde. Finally, it’s coming to an end and those frequent unexpected events will become a springboard for rethinking certain arrangements. The challenge? Getting others to agree to changes without pointless discussion.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) As a practical earth sign, long ago you learned that while you can not only enjoy discussing plans with others, often they will have worthwhile advice to offer. However, others are insistent about their ideas’ value, despite your explanations why they won’t work. The solution? Should they raise these again, change the subject.

Gemini ( May 21 – June 20) Even those who are not into the details of astrology are aware of the period when your own ruling planet, Mercury, is retrograde, or appears to be moving backwards in the heavens. That’s been the case since early August and it ends now. Still, be cautious.

Those mistakes and errors won’t vanish overnight. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Every once in a while, you find yourself surprised not only by the ups and downs of others’ moods, but that they don’t seem be aware of, or care, that these could cause others upset. Tempting as it is to discuss this, think again.

Not everybody understands such ups and downs as well as you do. Leo (July 23 – August 22) You may already be aware of the cycle of questioning, analysis and change events are trigge.