Aries (Mar21/Apr20) In some matters you have turned the dial up and the pace is moving faster but where it applies to the cost of living , a more measured approach needs to be taken. In finances, pause before switching gears. Taurus (Apr21/May21) A colleague will be exaggerating when discussing their health and responsibilities.

You will catch them out a number of times and this will lead you to question whether they truly need all the help they are receiving. Gemini (May22/June21) Be cautious. There is a risk of rushing into a situation without proper consideration or preparation.

It would be sensible to assess what is going on before taking action. A competitor will pose a challenge your way and this will not bother you as much as they expect it to. Cancer (June22/July23) Not everything you are involved in will go precisely as planned.

It will pay, therefore, to go with the flow. Be flexible when situations start looking somewhat chaotic. You aren’t in this on your own and others around you will be helpful and supportive.

Leo (July24/Aug23) Money is flowing in from various sources and this makes you feel both fortunate and excited. The unexpected repayment of a loan by a friend will add to this sense of good fortune. It will feel as if all your previous planning and hardworking efforts have finally paid off.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) People you work with don’t seem very happy. New equipment or technology would help make the job easier. Those in high places will admit that th.