Moon alert Avoid shopping or important decisions from 5 to 6 a.m. today.

After that, the moon moves from Taurus into Gemini. Aries (March 21-April 19) Partnerships will be an increased focus in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, get more sleep because you will need it.

Take naps. Romance is affectionate. Others will be generous with gifts and favors.

Nevertheless, focus on increased chaos and activity on the home front. Taurus (April 20-May 20 You intend to work hard in the next few weeks because you want to be productive and get a lot done. Nevertheless, take time to socialize and enjoy romantic possibilities.

You will also be inclined to voice your opinions, which is why you will say what you mean and mean what you say! Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is the beginning of a lovely four-week window where you will have fun and enjoy yourself! Slip away on a vacation if you can. Put pleasure before work where possible. However, you might want to look for ways to boost your earnings because you will certainly be spending money.

Ka-ching! Cancer (June 21-July 22) Home and family will play an increased role in your life in the next several weeks. You might be more involved with parents. Venus will encourage fun socializing, while Mars will boost your enthusiasm and drive! Short trips and opportunities to learn will appeal.

Bonus! Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) The pace of your days will accelerate in the next few weeks because of short trips, reading, writing, studying and conversations with oth.