Moon Alert There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The moon is in Taurus. Aries (March 21-April 19) You might have some excellent money-making ideas, perhaps about your personal life or your job.

They might even be practical ideas that can benefit your health? Nevertheless, keep an eye on your money, possessions and resources to protect them from something unexpected. Taurus (April 20-May 20) This is a strong day for you! Advice from a friend, especially someone older or more experienced, could be helpful. You might also have creative, fun ideas to share with children, sports events or the arts, because you’re full of spontaneous, fun-loving energy today! Share your enthusiasm with someone.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) This is a restless day for you. However, discussions with a parent, boss or someone in authority might benefit you. (Listen for potentially good advice.

) You will also enjoy talking to younger family members as well as exploring ways to make home improvements and repairs “Let’s get this done!” Cancer (June 21-July 22) This is a good day to make plans for the future, especially related to higher education, travel, and legal or medical matters. Expect discussions with others to be lively and informative! You might meet a real character today. Someone different or unusual.

(This is not a boring day.) Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Another day when you are high visibility, and people seem to know personal details about your private life.

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