Activated by the moon, Neptune stirs the imagination in soulful, insightful, emotional directions. All the ideas hold something in them. Some ideas provide a dim contrast to brighter ideas, and some are links and levers to brilliance.

As long as you’re having many ideas, you’re in the flow of possibility, which is an exciting place to be. ARIES (March 21-April 19). If the special one mentions a love for a specific band, you don’t immediately listen to the top three albums and drop subtle references in conversation.

.. not anymore, at least.

You’re paying attention, not obsessing. Your coolness pays. TAURUS (April 20-May 20).

Your energy is high. You’ll apply it to industrious result. Working with your hands makes you feel fully alive and you’ll be so proud of whatever you fix, build or grow now.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Emotional safety inside a relationship will hit levels special and rare. You’ll care less about what’s acceptable and more about answering your curiosity, expressing yourself and being close.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). You are attracted to the movers and shakers, so of course your favorite people are also going to be busy people. Making plans for the distant future together will be a fun way to get everyone centered on the fun to come.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There is still joy to be gleaned from routine actions.

So even though repetition will get you to the goal in the most expedient way, just be sure to stay awake and aware, even as you repeat a.