Hormonal imbalance, nowadays, has become a common concern, often triggered by poor lifestyle habits and unhealthy diets. Yet, with mindful choices and a disciplined approach, restoring hormonal balance is entirely achievable. While several factors contribute to hormonal disruptions, the most significant ones include nutrition, stress, and the body's detoxification processes.

Hormonal imbalances arise when there is an excess or deficiency of one or more hormones. These imbalances often occur when certain glands in the endocrine system become overworked and overwhelmed. Factors like chronic stress, poor diet, and unhealthy lifestyle choices can push these glands to their limits, leading to hormonal disruptions.

ALSO READ: Kosher To Pink: Know The Various Types Of Salts And Their Health Benefits CAUSES OF HORMONAL IMBALANCE: There are several causes of hormonal imbalance, most commonly: The liver plays a vital role in metabolising and breaking down hormones. When the liver isn't functioning properly, it can result in a buildup of hormones or inadequate hormone breakdown. It is essential for the breakdown of hormones like estrogen, insulin, thyroid, etc.

Additionally, the liver helps regulate blood sugar levels, which directly influences insulin production and balance. Impaired liver function can disrupt this process, potentially leading to insulin resistance and other metabolic problems. Blood sugar dysregulation can cause hormonal imbalances.

Blood sugar levels are closely tied.