Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Homes Under The Hammer ended with an unexpected romantic twist, as the stars of the show got engaged. Host Martin Roberts had been guiding viewers through an old sandstone cottage in picture-perfect Shropshire, that was crying out for some tender loving care. Expressing concern over the numerous problems damp and decaying walls among them Martin – who was once told he had 'hours to live' – soon found himself amazed by the impressive refurbishment undertaken by new owner Chris.

Chris had snapped up the property for £275,000, spurred by his girlfriend Jess's exciting pregnancy news and the desire to provide a larger abode for their future family. As the series returned to the revamped home, the proud couple unveiled their new additions; chic modern fittings, a luxurious bathroom, and a gleaming kitchen. In a heartwarming montage set to Ed Sheeran's emotive hit, Thinking Out Loud, a jubilant Chris, Jess, and their one year old daughter Maddie were seen beneath the inspiring message, "Always believe that something magical is about to happen".

In an absolute surprise, the camera then caught Chris popping the question to Jess in their freshly-done-up kitchen, earnestly asking, "I want you to marry me, will you marry me? ". An utterly startled Jess responded with a re.