Although well-known, frequently utilized, and readily available in most European pharmacies, it seems that homeopathy has not gained a solid foothold alongside other alternative practices in the United States. Over the years, researchers have tried to prove the common denominator by which homeopathy operates. As any help was distant, she instructed her daughter to employ their homeopathic first-aid kit: aconite to address shock, sudden injury, or trauma, as well as arnica for physical injury.

Two hours into the treatment, her wrist, which had doubled in size from swelling, was back to normal. The brain fog was gone. “At an early age, I believed that the knowledge base of medicine shouldn’t be restricted to the higher echelons of society, but that it should be part of the public domain, taught to everyone, and included in all educational curriculums.

” After studying as a physician, Hahnemann discovered that certain herbal remedies would generate symptoms of diseases themselves, but in much milder versions. He concluded that the same plant derivatives might cure the ailments they evoked. Today, we know this as the principle of “similia similibus curantur,” meaning that if a substance can produce a reaction in healthy individuals, the same properties will treat similar symptoms in sick people.

However, competing forces were not kind to the “mild, large power,” as inscribed in Hahnemann’s memorial. The government cut funding and school closures followed. “This e.