Summer is a torment for the unhoused Homelessness is a nightmare in any season, but summer’s heat brings unique torment. My car, once a refuge, turned into an unbearable oven, even in the shade. The relentless heat made breathing a struggle, and nights offered no relief.

Hygiene was a rare luxury; finding a place to wash was almost impossible, making job hunting mortifying. The emotional toll was immense, amplifying every fear and worry, compounded by the pain of being separated from family. Yet, moments of kindness provided glimmers of hope.

Organizations like CATCH were lifesavers, moving me from my hot car into a cool apartment. Countless others still endure these conditions. We must advocate for housing solutions to restore dignity and hope, ensuring everyone has a place to call home.

Simplistic immigration analysis I am bothered by the news article comparing the number of illegal immigrants apprehended at the US border during Trump’s presidency to Biden’s presidency. The writer claims Trump did a better job because fewer illegal immigrants were caught. Looking at sheer numbers is unscientific.

The border was closed during part of Trump’s presidency, so less people were coming to the US. It would be more factual to show percentage differences. One could also argue the opposite of what the article is claiming.

If there have been more arrests under Biden, perhaps he has done a better job at catching illegal immigrants than Trump did. Idaho kids go without food becau.