Home Bargains is well and truly living up to its name as it is selling a brand-new handbag that could be easily mistaken for a more expensive brand. The budget superstore regularly updates its stock with the latest trends, from beauty products to sweets. One of the latest items that has caught shoppers' attention is its £3.

99 Originals Black Crossbody Bag. Thanks to its long crossbody strap, the bag could be handy for everyday use or when travelling. It also sports two zips, one for the centre of the bag and another decorative zip across the front.

At a glance, the £3.99 bag could look like a more expensive version by a designer brand. ASOS is selling .

The two bags appear similar in shape and texture, both feature a plain design, adjustable straps and a zip-top fastening. However, by opting for Home Bargains version, shoppers stand to save even money - around £85. Other brands are selling a crescent-shaped black crossbody bag, similar to Home Bargain, which again could easily be mistaken for a more expensive label.

and went viral on TikTok recently. It became so popular online that it faced low stock due to high demand. Similarly to Home Bargains' own brand version, the pricier handbag features a crescent shape, long crossbody strap and and zip.

By opting for the bargain store's £3.99 option, shoppers could save themselves £10 on a bag that looks similar. However, you can only get the £3.

99 in black. While Uniqlo sells its crescent bag in several colours - including da.