viewers were when fan-favourite character . The episode threw viewers for a loop, with all signs pointing towards Felicity getting back together with her ex-husband at engagement party. During one of their emotional conversations in the restaurant Salt, Felicity's vision went blurry and she suddenly fell to the ground.

Her brother Cash rushed to her side and upcoming promos confirm the Summer Bay resident isn’t going to get through this medical emergency. Jacqui Purvis told that she absolutely loved her time working on the show, but it was the right time for her to depart the soap. “I’ve had an incredible time on the show.

Some of the best years of my life. However, I knew I wanted an international career, so, I had to make the decision to leave and take the plunge,” she tells us. “I owe so much to the show, [and] because of it, I feel confident and ready to take on the international stage.

I'm so grateful to the fans for supporting me through my years on the show.” understands the actor is hoping to head to Hollywood, following in the footsteps of ex- stars such as Chris Hemsworth, Isla Fisher and Samara Weaving. The death of Felicity was less dramatic than many fans had predicted – with no gunfire or weapons in sight.

While Jacqui previously said she wanted an extremely “intense and gory” death, her drop to the floor was dramatic but clean. Fans have been busy speculating online and many believe she suffered from a brain aneurysm, with a nurse writing: “.