Just days after fans were passionately debating if a had dragged on for too long, their prayers may have been answered, with fans spotting a newcomer filming scenes with Eden Fowler (Stephanie Panozzo). ICYMI, or started to spaced out during their scenes, long-time couple Cash Newman and Eden Fowler are no longer going strong, after after Felicity Newman's funeral, citing that anyone he's close to leaves or dies. Fans were left shocked over Cash's brutal treatment of Eden and have been hoping ever since the two will work it out, or at the very least, that Cash will stop acting like such a d**khead.

Only , fans were saying the storyline has now dragged on too long, and that Cash needs to "wake up" to himself. "Cash needs to go back to work and get on with his life..

. he cannot keep pushing Eden away..

. she's lost her friend also," one fan said. "Cash needs to wake up to himself and see sense and get back together with Eden," another ranted.

"He must still love her, how can he just turn his feelings off?" Now, don't keep reading unless you LOVE spoilers. You've been warned!! One eagle-eyed fan recently with someone who is very much not Cash — could it be a new love interest? Despite rumours of someone's wedding still potentially taking place after , the newcomer could also be a sign that Summer Bay's favourite emo couple aren't getting back together. I'd like to throw out the theory that the dude is someone who received one of Felicity's organs, and maybe Eden is now going to.