If you've been talking to your local this week, you know that we're all not OK after the tragic events surrounding fan favourite character Felicity Newman (Jacqui Purvis) who suffered a brain aneurysm during her brother's engagement party. With Felicity making it through surgery only to have a second bleed, things are obviously looking dire. Sadly, we all know the end is coming and that we will have to say our proper goodbyes soon.

As fans mentally prepare themselves and stock up on the tissues (again) ahead of the next few episodes, some have started questioning whether one central character in Felicity's life will make a return to say goodbye — and no, we're not talking about Rory popping out of jail in handcuffs to giver her one last kiss. We were introduced to Flick's foster dad Gary when he walked her down the aisle for her wedding to Tane and fans are now wondering if he'll make an appearance to say goodbye/be there for Cash. "I wonder if Gary is going to come farewell Flick?" one person asked.

"I would've thought Peter Phelps would've gotten another short gig in this storyline." "It would be good for Gary to make another guest appearance to be there for Cash," someone else agreed. Others speculated ways he may show up.

"The funeral might be at the farm.. just guessing.

.." someone said.

"I think he will [return]," someone else said. "Somehow I think he may have something to say about ." Other fans argued amongst themselves as to why Cash hadn't gotten around to callin.