AN URBAN explorer has stumbled across a huge collection of classic cars in various states of disrepair. YouTube star Colin Hodson of the channel The Bearded Explorer was amazed after discovering a hundreds of motors at an unknown location in Germany - which included dozens of Mercedes and Volkswagens. 6 The Bearded Explorer found dozens upon dozens of classic Mercedes Credit: YouTube / The Bearded Explorer 6 Models from decades past were lined up side by side Credit: YouTube / The Bearded Explorer 6 Many of them were in very good condition, with interiors that looked as good as new Credit: YouTube / The Bearded Explorer In the video, in which Craig opens by claiming he'd "just found the Holy Grail", he reveals that the owner had given him full permission to explore and film the haul of motors - which they apparently plan on one day fully restoring.

Among the cars found are dozens of Mercedes 190E models , an iconic luxury model from the German brand that ran from 1982 until 1993. Interestingly, Craig also stumbles across a convertible Nova and even a stately Jaguar. Upon seeing the British-made saloon, which really stands out alongside the sea of Mercs, he said: “I did not expect to find to one of those here!” Read more Motors News NEED FOR SPEED High-speed motor can be bought for less than Britain’s cheapest new car Further along, he comes across “classic Merc after classic Merc”, including a saloon with over 300,000 miles on its odometer.

Naturally, with there bei.