Sign up to our free email to get all the latest royal news and pictures We have more newsletters Sign up to our free email to get all the latest royal news and pictures We have more newsletters Orlando Bloom has given credit to Queen Elizabeth II for a miraculous escape when his parachute failed during skydiving on the day she passed away. The actor, known for his daring stunts, faced his fears at a staggering speed of 120mph when he had to quickly resort to the emergency toggle. Reliving the spine-chilling incident, Orlando remarked: "I cannot believe this just happened to me on my seventh jump.

" Describing the fault in his gear, he recounted: "I pulled it twice, I looked up, the toggle, it was twisted and locked and I couldn't get it. I was like, 'What do I do? Do I undo and try and untie it?'" The scary tumble from the skies took place at Santa Ynez Airport in California, coinciding with the news of the Queen's death . Orlando attributed his survival to the late monarch, saying: "That one was for the Queen and she totally saved me.

" After the eventful jump, he phoned his partner Katy Perry to tell her of his relief, telling her: "You know it's not my time," reports the Mirror . When probed about his inclination towards such life-risking exploits for his TV show Orlando Bloom: To The Edge, the thrill-seeking father explained his addiction to adrenaline from a young age and reflected on the proximity of life to death. He continued to ponder: "Dying gets in your head when lif.