Just two weeks ago Donald Trump’s defiant fist-pump as he survived an assassin’s ­bullet looked to have killed Democrat hopes of the White House. But if a week in politics is a long time, a fortnight is an eternity. And now, with Joe Biden standing down and Barack Obama backing Vice President Kamala Harris for the nomination, it seems America’s liberals might get their upbeat ­Hollywood ending after all.

Some of the planet’s biggest A-listers – from Beyonce and George Clooney to Cher and Katy Perry – are determined to push the left’s new leading lady to a blockbuster victory. Polls suggest she’s gone from underdog to evenly poised..

.and Hollywood is just getting started. Happy to put its money where its mouth is, up to $100million (£78mil-lion) has already flooded in from Tinseltown to campaign coffers.

Tens of millions more are expected from a mooted celebrity fundraiser. Clooney, whose withering verdict on failing Biden helped end his candidacy, is rumoured to be considering a gala for Kamala next month . CNN’s Elizabeth Wagmeister says: “This is Hollywood’s biggest political moment since Obama.

If celebrity endorsements were a gauge to victory, Harris would win in a landslide. Trump has never been well-liked in Hollywood.” But will A-list support be enough? Wagmeister says: “Perhaps the most important voters to target are young Americans.

Biden struggled to gain Gen Z support but Harris has the attention of the TikTok generation. “Singer Char.