HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY Partnership Moon The moon in the sign of partnership offers up a square suggesting that no matter how close we are to our partners, there will always be matters of disagreement. There’s nothing wrong with disagreeing. Agreeing to disagree is usually the kind route, as exerting influence and trying to sway someone from an opinion usually says more about the need for power than it does about what’s right.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Complaining has its merits. It helps people know what’s not working.

It can be the start of a fix. But knowing that complaints can also bring down the vibe, you’ll be judicious as to your tolerance of it, whether you’re the complainer or the listener. TAURUS (April 20-May 20).

You bond with others in many ways. Some of them are not positive, but that doesn’t make them bad. Trauma bonds, and shared experience of something more-or-less terrible can be a strong bond indeed -- maybe the only good thing that comes out of some experiences.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Your sign is known for wit, charm and a lucky style of communication. You often have the right words locked and ready to launch.

Social life will be sweet this weekend as you lean into your gifts. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You will commit to a beautiful act of kindness and it will land so well, bringing as much fulfillment to you as it does to the other person.

This is the stuff a good life is made of. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).

You’re so creative and you’ll solv.