HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY Toast to Virgo Season The sun moves into the part of the zodiac with a reputation that’s hard to live up to. Regardless, it’s time to start trying. Here’s to Virgo season, the part of the year when we all pretend we’ve got our act together! Cheers to organizing our chaos, perfecting our imperfections and making plans we might actually stick to -- at least until next week! ARIES (March 21-April 19).

You’ll see poetry in the most mundane things and call it out in a way that’s either profound or profoundly silly, which is even better. The more you appreciate, the more you’ll find to appreciate. TAURUS (April 20-May 20).

“Doing you” isn’t the kind of dream you should wait to accomplish. How can you spend more of your time doing the things that make you happy? How could you make a daily practice of it? GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll be inspired by teammates who work as hard as you for the group prize.

Their dedication will fuel your own. Together, you’ll find innovative solutions and celebrate shared victories. Camaraderie makes the journey just as rewarding as the destination.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Wanting what you can’t have is a known cause of distress, though it may still be worthwhile because you don’t really know what is possible until you dare to desire it. Courage will be rewarded somehow, though not always directly.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The worst searches are the ones spent looking for things you already had but som.