Vadodara: In a sudden move, all the heads of department (HoDs) at MS University ’s faculty of arts have threatened to resign. A majority of the HoDs of the faculty met on Tuesday to discuss the issue of the pending issuing of appointment letters to temporary teachers , who handle most of the teaching work at the faculty. While interviews of candidates for the positions of temporary teacher were held two months ago, the departments are yet to receive letters announcing the appointments from the university head office.

The delay in issuing appointment letters comes while classes for the first year of the Bachelor of Arts course have begun. “In a majority of departments, classes are being conducted by the old teachers with scarce staff. The HoDs are not even aware of the candidates selected for the temporary positions.

It is difficult for all the departments to run the show without temporary teachers,” a senior teacher said. The HoDs, during their meeting on Tuesday, passed a resolution and submitted it to the faculty dean stating that if the appointment letters are not issued by Wednesday afternoon, they will resign en masse. Sources said that there are 50-odd temporary teachers whose appointment letters have not been issued.

We also published the following articles recently HoDs threaten to resign over delay in appointment of temporary teachers Heads of department at MS University's arts faculty threatened to resign en masse due to delays in issuing appointment letters t.