Mumbai: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the Ghatkopar hoarding collapse that killed 17 people and injured more than 70, has sought custodial interrogation of Govandi businessman Arshad Khan. The SIT has filed their say seeking Khan's custodial interrogation while opposing his anticipatory bail before the sessions court. Khan, who has not been traceable since his name cropped up in the case through his lawyer Ranjit Patil, has moved the ABA before the session court on Monday.

The court had asked the SIT to file their say. The court will hear the matter on August 8 “We have strongly opposed the ABA and have given our say that we want his custodial interrogation as there are some financial transactions between him and the main accused Bhavesh Bhinde, the proprietor of Ego Media responsible for the hoarding collapse,” said the police reply. S Ahmed Ali We also published the following articles recently Big hoarding collapses in Thane, vehicles damaged Two individuals sustained minor injuries after a large hoarding fell at Shahjanand Chowk in Kalyan (West) on Friday morning.

The incident, captured on CCTV, showed people fleeing the spot, with three vehicles severely damaged. Municipal and fire brigade teams promptly arrived to remove the collapsed structure. Court remands UBI manager to CBI custody The CBI arrested a chief manager of Union Bank of India's Juhu Santacruz branch for accepting a Rs 90,000 bribe to clear a Rs 25 lakh loan application.

The court remande.