History lovers will find a lot to explore and learn in Bureau County. From its agricultural history to its role in the Underground Railroad, the residents of Bureau County are proud of their county’s past and show that pride with its many historical societies, landmarks, and museums. Jessica Gray, curator at Bureau County History Center, loves learning fascinating information about the past wherever she goes.

“I am a lover and student of history – every place I visit, I pick up a new piece of information and tuck it away, like a historical magpie,” she said. “My family and I enjoy doing historic home tours and visiting museums on our vacations, but one doesn’t need to go far to experience history. It’s all around us in Bureau County.

I particularly enjoy visiting any place where the history comes alive for me – where I feel as if I’m walking in someone else’s footsteps, as if they’re whispering in my ear, ‘I was here. I lived and loved in this place. Remember me.

’” For those who want to explore some historical hotspots in Bureau County, here are a few to check out. This isn’t an inclusive list, though, so keep in mind there are additional places you’ll stumble upon as you learn more about the county’s history. One of the most well-known museums in Bureau County is the Owen Lovejoy Homestead in Princeton.

“The Lovejoy home is a National Historic Landmark and was a stop on the Underground Railroad,” Gray said. The Lovejoy home is just one o.