70% Have Experienced Bad Restroom Conditions MENOMONEE FALLS, Wis. , Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- It's back to school time and this year a survey got the deets about teens' handwashing habits, restroom evaluations and whether or not they stay home from school when they're sick.

The Healthy Handwashing SurveyTM , conducted by Bradley Company, connected with 1,012 high schoolers ages 14 to 18 to gather their insights and opinions. Handwashing & Health First, the survey found teens are educated about the benefits of handwashing since 97% believe sudsing up with soap and water is an important action for maintaining their overall health. Despite that, nearly two-thirds admit on occasion they've cheated by skipping the soap and simply rinsing with water.

In addition, one-third say they frequently see others leave the school restroom without washing up at all. When it comes to removing the most germs from their hands, students have also learned that handwashing with soap aces hand sanitizer. 72% correctly believe their hands are less germy when they lather up with soap and water than after using sanitizer.

In general, students are conscientious about staying healthy. 74% take steps to avoid a sick classmate by eliminating physical contact and staying away from them. In the bathroom, students circumnavigate germs by operating the toilet flusher with their foot and using a paper towel to mitigate contact with doorknobs and faucets.

Restroom Complaints Unfortunately, the survey reveal.