CHENNAI: Madras high court has constituted an all-women special investigation team (SIT) comprising three IPS officers - deputy commissioners of police Bhukya Sneha Priya, Ayman Jamal and S Brinda - to probe the Anna University campus rape case. A vacation bench of justices S M Subramaniam and V Lakshminarayanan on Saturday also ordered Rs 25 lakh compensation to the survivor, a second-year engineering student, towards the leaked FIR and the trauma undergone by her and her family members. The sum shall be recovered from the salaries of the police personnel responsible for the leak of the FIR into public domain.

The student was targeted on Dec 23 by an intruder while she was with a friend. HC said the student had been wronged "by not being adequately protected within the premises of the university", and must be compensated. ".

..The university shall waive all charges, including tuition fees, hostel fees, etc.

, enabling her to complete her studies," the court said. The press conference called by Chennai police commissioner two days after the incident and disclosing certain important facts in the public domain was highly unwarranted, said HC, adding that "the state has to take a call and initiate all appropriate actions.".