Spain is expecting close to 100m visitors this year. Here’s how to avoid the crowds..

. San Martino on the Atlantic Cies Islands in Spain. Photo: O.

Alamany & E. Vicens / Getty Spain has long been a favourite of Irish holidaymakers. Whether it’s the Costa Del Sol and Canary Islands’ beaches, the party towns of Ibiza and Mallorca or the cities of Barcelona and Seville, however, the majority of travellers head to the same select few destinations.

That’s something locals in these places are naturally pretty tired of. Having lived in Barcelona myself since 2019, I know this is nothing new (”go home tourists” graffiti long preceded the Covid pandemic) but it’s stepped up recently with protests in the Canary and Balearic Islands, and visitors to the Catalan capital sprayed with water. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.