News emerged this week that King Charles III splashed out $6.63 million for a condo on Billionaires’ Row in Manhattan — and The Post has learned why. Of particular note on the condo’s deed, filed in city records early this week, was a signature from Robert McCubbing, the Senior Trade Commissioner & Director of Trade and Investment at the Consulate General of Canada in New York.

The records also listed the home’s new owner as “His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.” Speaking to The Post on Friday, McCubbing said, “Global Affairs Canada recently purchased unit 11A at 111 W. 57th Street for use as the Official Residence for the Consulate General of Canada in New York.

” Canada’s current Consul General of New York is a man named Tom Clark. When asked about King Charles’s involvement in the transaction, McCubbing explained that it is standard procedure, given the royal’s status as the “Head of State of Canada,” with Canada being a nation of the British Commonwealth. “His name is used on legal documentation.

It’s a function of Canada being a constitutional monarchy,” McCubbing said, adding that King Charles would not be utilizing the residence himself. The unit has three bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms, according to its listing.

Meanwhile, Buckingham Palace has not returned The Post’s request for comment. King Charles III ascended as the sovereign ruler of Canada following the death of his mother, Queen E.