Actress Alia Bhatt revealed her top three Indian cinematic inspirations where she named Shah Rukh Khan, Rekha, and the stunning Aishwarya Rai. When asked about Aishwarya, Alia stated that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan comes to mind when she thinks of a beautiful dance on television. Alia Bhatt on Aishwarya Rai Alia Bhatt said, "When it comes to learning or being inspired by someone who has embodied dance in the most beautiful way on screen, I can't stop thinking of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.

She was and continues to be captivating. (She) also provided me with valuable guidance and intellectual stimulation. Whenever I had a song, I'd go to YouTube and type 'Aishwarya Rai songs,' and it would come up, and I'd watch all of her songs to catch the expressions and the way she moves from one move to the next, the ease, the way she lets herself be, but it's all so perfect and precise.

"And she is beautiful to look at." Alia Bhatt about Rehka Alia also identified Rekha as a big beauty inspiration. She claimed that Rekha has redefined beauty in Indian cinema and is an iconic figure.

"When it comes to Indian cinema, one individual has redefined/defined beauty: Rekha. She is simply a timeless icon. Whether it was her red lips, her long hair, or the way she did her eyes, the famous flowers or gajras in her hair, or that look in her eyes, which certainly cannot be created; it comes from within.

But she has genuinely had the greatest impact in India and around the world with the beauty standards she .