The beer hall is built, a new concessionaire is serving up crab-shaped pretzels and pricey suites have been newly minted as the first of a three-year is complete, just in time for the Ravens’ 2024 season. Following the passage of a 2022 law and a 2023 lease agreement with the state of Maryland, which owns the stadium, the Maryland Stadium Authority began upgrading the venue shortly after the Ravens’ final game last season in January. The first round of renovations is now complete and attendees will get a first look Tuesday evening when European soccer teams AC Milan and FC Barcelona christen the renovated stadium.

Among the upgrades are The Gatehouse and Roof Deck, located outside Gate B, which Ravens senior vice president of stadium operations and guest experience Rich Tamayo dubbed the “best beer hall and roof deck in Baltimore.” The club level has also been upgraded, 136 plush seats have been installed on the field and 10 exclusive suites have replaced the press box, which was relocated to the southeast corner. Those suites, named the Blackwing, are the most luxurious in the stadium.

Season tickets to a suite, which can hold 20-30 people, cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Ravens will soon kick off their season — after Tuesday’s soccer match, American football will be played Friday at 7:30 p.m.

with a Ravens preseason game against the Philadelphia Eagles — but come January, the stadium authority will continue with another offseason renovation in 2025 .