If you think it's weird to loosely plan your life around , think again, my friend. In astrology, your is known for influencing your emotions pretty heavily — and some people say your . This is why having a general awareness of the 2024 lunar calendar could help you navigate your life with a little more ease.

Lunar events like new moons, full moons, and eclipses are believed to carry deeper emotional meanings that can help you decode and navigate life events like new beginnings, chapters closing, and tricky periods of self-reflection. Keep reading to learn what each major moon type signifies, plus a new moon and full moon calendar for 2024. Depending on which time zone you're in, the new or full moon might hit on a different date.

That said, be aware that the dates listed in this 2024 moon phase calendar all reflect the Eastern time zone. Just like a new moon signals the start of a fresh moon phase, new moons are often associated with new beginnings in astrology. According to astrologers, these periods of lunar darkness are a surprisingly and set new intentions for themes you'd like to see materialize over the following few weeks.

Depending on the zodiac sign in which the new moon falls, you may feel the characteristics and energies associated with that zodiac sign influence your emotions and intentions, too. If new moons are the start of new chapters, full moons are their ends in astrology. Thinking in terms of the moon's light, a moon at full brightness illuminates the ful.