Experiencing unprecedented levels of but not ready to give up the fight and go ? Then perhaps it’s time to implement a little thing called intentional dating. While, yes, that term may sound a little therapy-speaky, we promise there’s real value here. Specifically, real value that will get you off the never-ending carousel of with people who are nowhere near on the same page as you in terms of what you want from your dating life.

Perhaps you’ve decided you want kids. Or maybe you absolutely and you’re tired of awful lovers telling you that you’d look cute as a tired mom and suggesting your work isn’t that important. Maybe you want to find a , an , or your forever person.

It doesn’t matter what you want, but it matter that you find a partner who can help you achieve the love life of your dreams. And intentional dating may just be the way to do it. “Intentional dating is a remedy for the superficiality of modern dating,” says Mariah Freya, sex education expert and .

“Instead of , , and small talk, it emphasizes quality over quantity and depth over surface.” According to Freya, intentional dating is all about focusing on “meaningful connections with a clear vision of what you want.” Why? Because “knowing your goals and communicating them upfront can significantly enhance your dating experience.

” But because that can be easier said than done, allow us to give you a little guide to the finer points of intentional dating, including its pros, cons, tips.