In under two years, GoTyme Bank has become one of the fastest-growing banks in the Philippines. The company boasts an average of 250,000 new customers a month and a 600% year-on-year increase in transactions. Their strategy? Prioritizing customer experience (CX).

In a study by research and advisory company, Forrester, last May 2024, GoTyme Bank ranked #1 in customer experience in the Philippines based on their Net Promoter Score (NPS), an industry-standard metric to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking users how likely they are to recommend a business to others from -100 to +100. GoTyme Bank scored 76, 15 points higher than their next competitor and 19 points above the national average. In late 2023, a Singapore Economic Development Board study also found that GoTyme Bank was #1 in NPS scores for banks and e-wallets in the Philippines.

To further this trajectory, GoTyme Bank’s thrust for the year is to “make banking beautiful.” #BankingMadeBeautiful through top-notch CX The bank aims to provide solutions for issues in traditional banking. From opening an account to asking for assistance to managing your finances online, GoTyme has designed its experience to work seamlessly through its hybrid “phygital” touchpoints.

By the end of the year, GoTyme is projecting 100 new sign-up kiosks and additional ATMs around the country. “We are here to invest even more into the customer experience to provide you with the most beautiful banking [experience],” said.