Let’s just get into it, shall we? If you’re here, it’s probably because you either have a 5-inch penis or are, ahem, acquainted with someone who does and want to know if it’s “normal.” (Or hey, maybe you just saw the word “penis” in a headline and mindlessly —which, can’t blame ya.) Short answer: Yes, 5 inches is a perfectly normal length for a penis.

In fact, you might even say that a 5-inch penis is, like, the most normal, as the majority of research out there suggests the is is between 5.1 and 5.6 inches.

“Statistically speaking, a 5-inch penis is a medium size,” says sexologist . “In terms of slang, it’s considered ‘ ’ or the ‘Goldilocks principle’ of penises. Not too big and not too small but just right.

” So there you go—5 inches is basically the platonic ideal of dicks. Longer answer: There’s no such thing as “normal” when it comes to bodies and sex, and bullshit beauty standards that purport to tell you how anyone’s body “should” look or perform are just that—bullshit beauty standards that harm people of all genders and body types. All of which is to say that beauty (including penises) is in the eye of the beholder, and there’s absolutely no need to torture yourself trying to figure out how your dick measures up to all the other dicks out there.

But because I know you likely came here explicitly for that purpose, here’s the lowdown on all things 5-inch penis, from where it stands in the grand scheme of to how to.