Good for the Gong has hosted an event in Thirroul to discuss why offshore wind could be good for the local economy and environment. Subscribe now for unlimited access . Login or signup to continue reading The Thirroul Community Centre car park was out of space as members of the community arrived at the event which hosted screenings of the films Great Ocean Love and Walanbaa Ngiiyani | Stronger Together.

The screenings came the day after the closure of the Senate Inquiry on the Offshore Wind Consultation Process , but the event wasn't designed around the inquiry according to Bulli local Sophia Walter. "I think the Senate inquiry is an opportunity to draw attention to the way that disinformation really thwarted consultation in our community," she said. "I think the consultation process was reasonable here but I do think that opponents sought to make it really hard for the community to hear the facts.

" 14,200 public submissions were received during the public consultation on the offshore wind plan. Ms Walter said she wanted the community to celebrate offshore wind as a good thing for nature. "It's a really good thing for our community in terms of benefits that it will bring, like jobs," she said.

"I think sometimes there's a bit of a squeaky minority that are against the offshore wind proposal. "We've talked to thousands of people in the community and we're finding that almost everyone we talk to is either really supportive of offshore wind or they don't have a strong view about.