Call me Samwell Tarly, because I'm studying the history of Westeros again. While we wait for the next season of the prequel series, I can't help but try and guess and predict what events and characters from George R. R.

Martin's books we'll see next. Here's what I, an amateur fictional historian, think will happen on . Gaming out what's going to happen over the next and final two seasons of is an interesting task.

On one hand, the fact that they have only two more seasons to finish telling this story should make it easy to figure out what will happen when. The book is completed, after all. But the Dance of the Dragons civil war is only covered in a small section of , the House Targaryen "history book" that is based on.

The story of the few survivors keeps going. And like real nonfictional historical events, there was more than one event that marked the end of the war. So we kind of know how and when the show will end, but also we don't.

So, how am I going to figure this out? In the history of Westeros, this war begins in the year 129 AC and ends in the year 131 AC. eason 1 started more than a decade before the war, and then ended right at the beginning of 129 AC. The second season took place in 129 AC.

I think it would be safe to bet that season 3 will roughly cover most of the events of 130 AC, and season 4 will go from the end of 130 AC to the beginning of 131 AC, and possibly beyond. One of the reasons that is fated to be a four-season show is that, unfortunately, most of .