The Chinese have a saying: “Legs are the first to get old.” The adage reflects how aging often reveals itself through unsteady steps, weakened leg muscles, and recurring aches in the back and hips. To counteract this decline, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has long recommended stimulating Squatting Crevice (Ju Liao, GB29), an acupoint with a deep connection to lower body strength and mobility.
TCM Perspective: A Vital Intersection of Two MeridiansJu Liao, first documented in the “Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing (The A-B Acupuncture and Moxibustion Classic),” is located at the intersection of the gallbladder meridian and the Yang Qiao (Yang Heel) Vessel. Because these pathways govern movement, flexibility, and circulation in the lower body, Ju Liao has been used for centuries to address hip joint issues, paralysis of the lower limbs, and pain radiating through the waist and legs. .