: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) State senior leader Gudur Narayana Reddy on Monday urged the Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy to help the milk producers of the State on priority. In a media statement, he said that the milk producers were in all sorts of troubles as they were not paid the costs of procured milk for the past three months by the government owned dairy companies. He said that the farmers, who were engaged in dairy activity, were forced to sell away their cattle to the slaughterhouses as they were unable to feed them.

The buffalos and cows were enfeebled as the farmers were unable to purchase the fodder. Reddy said that in the past the Vijaya Dairy, the government owned dairy development company, used to pay the costs to the farmers for every fortnight promptly. However for the past three months they were not receiving the bills, due to the reasons best known to the company.

He said that most of the farmers were neck deep in troubles as loan waiver scheme has not reached them. At the same time, the government was not paying Rythu Bharosa amounts to them. These have deprived them of the financial capabilities to continue their activities.

“The farmers have waited for three months for the payment of the costs. Now they are losing all the hopes on getting the money. The situation has reached to a stage that there was no other way than selling the cows and buffalos to the slaughterhouses,” he lamented.

The BJP leader said that since the Chief Minister has been lookin.