Helldivers 2 grunts had a very close shave in the third-person shooter's most recent Major Order, barely securing a win with less than an hour remaining on the clock. The effort was definitely worth it, though, as everyone can now freely use one of the game's powerful mechs – for a limited time, at least. The latest Major Order is perhaps the greatest example of why loyal Helldivers shouldn't give up even if victory seems out of reach.

We were tasked with liberating Charbal-VII, Charon Prime, and Choepessa IV, in an attempt to grab Super Earth's territory back from the freedom-hating Automatons while their defenses were down in one big 72-hour push. However, as the deadline loomed, Choepessa IV still wasn't ours, but it was dang close – one Reddit post shows the liberation rate at just over 98% with 56 minutes on the clock. Some may have thought it impossible, but in one heroic final push, Helldivers everywhere were barely able to push the win over the line, and even Super Earth High Command is impressed.

In a Galactic War update shared in the official Helldivers 2 Discord server, junior community manager Mitchell Ayre confirms that we managed to win with just 43 minutes to spare – less than 1% of the total time we were given. "This display of determination and grit goes to show that one should never discount the efficiency and valor of Helldivers when Lady Liberty comes calling. Being 'cooked' is something reserved exclusively to toasters in napalm or bugs at the busin.