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The Helldivers 2 community has been on a roll recently when it comes to completing Major Orders, having by cutting off the supply lines. As the robots have been severely weakened, it will be interesting to see whether Super Earth continues the assault or chooses to focus on the Terminids. But for now, it is time to have some fun as players are encouraged to serve some Liber-tea from the comfort of a Mech.

Miitchimus, a Helldivers 2 Community Manager, to announce that the latest Major Order was a success, with just minutes to spare. But, as a reward players will be able to use the for free saying, “With less than 1% of the total time allotted for the Major Order remaining – 43 minutes out of a 72h total – the Helldivers managed to wrestle control back of Choepessa IV from the socialist Automatons! This display of determination and grit goes to show that one should never discount the efficiency and valor of Helldivers when Lady Liberty comes calling. Being “cooked” is something reserved exclusively to toasters in napalm or bugs at the business end of a FLAM-40 Flamethrower.

As a reward for this show of battlefield fierceness, Super Earth High Command has temporarily granted the free use of the EXO-49 Emancipator Exosuit. Well fought Helldivers. Well fought!” Some players believe this is Arrowhead Game Studios’ way of testing out t.