Classic Rock “I’d just left the show band I’d been with. I was on the loose and needed a bass player and drummer to form a band of my own with and nobody was interested. Phil was playing with [eventual Thin Lizzy drummer] in a band called Orphanage at the time and I went to see them.

I already knew Brian, and liked his drumming. So when they took a break I went into the changing room. "Coincidentally, just Philip and Brian were there and I asked whether they knew any bass players or drummers that might be available.

They said they’d get back to me with any ideas. As I was walking out the door, Philip turned to Brian and said: ‘What about forming a band with Eric?’ That was how it started. “Philip said one of the things he’d like to do was play some of his own songs.

I thought: ‘Okay, here we go’. He brought the songs over to my flat one afternoon, just me and him, and they were terrific. It was just him singing and an acoustic guitar.

His lyrics were excellent, and so was his voice. He was so confident, I thought there and then that this guy had genuine talent. All he was lacking was a vehicle.

” Sign up below to get the latest from Classic Rock, plus exclusive special offers, direct to your inbox! “When I first met him, all we took was the usual substances that musicians liked – nothing too heavy. A bit of hash or grass, or maybe some acid. There was no cocaine or heroin around at that point.

He was young and, like the rest of us, having a good time..