Modern day dating is not an easy feat! Navigating through the pull and push of its lure can be quite a daunting experience for anyone looking for love today, and it's this very experience that has inspired singer-songwriter Kamakshi Khanna. She is all set to tour India with her latest EP, Heartbreak 2020. Kick-startikng from Bengaluru (on August 23) Khanna will head to Delhi, where she was born and became part of the music choirs and backing vocals from the age of 13.

Mention her connect with Delhi and she is quick to recall the time when she was part of the city's independent music scene. "It was when I turned 21-22 that I really wanted to have my own voice, tell my own story, and channel my own experiences into music. That’s when it all started,” says Khanna, adding that her current tour is not just a celebration of her recent achievements but also an ode to her inner child, “My first EP was called Much Mellow.

When I look back and think about its name, I now feel it’s a little funny (laughs)...

I might perform some of the songs from that EP as well because I want the tour to be precious, and I want to sing to my inner child — the one who started writing music.” Having shifted to Mumbai since the past four years, Khanna says each song in her new EP is about, “different kinds of heartbreaks that we all experience”. Whether it’s the awkward first date, situationship, or the endless mind games most of us end-up playing, there's a lot explored in the four song.