Learning songs is the best way to master the guitar. You develop techniques as you go, expanding your musical vocabulary. When it’s time to play your first concerts, there will inevitably be a cover or two.

But some tracks are best left in the practice space. Maybe they've been overplayed. They could be incredibly difficult to pull off.

Or maybe they're simply untouchable. Either way, for guitarists, these are ..

. The anthem of student nightclubs, its appeal juiced by cheap hooch, is big, dumb fun – but perform it at your peril. It’s one of the hardest songs to play clean.

Most will fall off the fretboard during the twisty chords and relentless picking of the opening riff. And if you make it through that, the five-fret stretch on the G6 chord in the pre-chorus will get you – guaranteed! At first, this was in the list because the is untouchable, a peerless cameo from an Eddie Van Halen at the peak of his powers. was an act of cultural alchemy.

But even if you managed to nail the notes, what about the tone? And if you finally get that down, the Variac glowing beetroot red, who’s going to sing it? With Gibson , we wonder whether the moratorium on was lifted in guitar stores worldwide so the public can try it out. But no matter the context, avoid performing this in public. .

But that’s Heart. If anyone else tries this celestial epic, well, they’ll think your stairway doesn’t reach all the way to heaven. There are good reasons to play live.

It would raise the dead..