The image of Africa from my primary schooldays was always embedded in my mind as the “dark continent”. Why it was referred to as such was beyond me, but tales of lurking danger, darkness, and mystery conjured up wild images in my imagination. Although I have travelled extensively, Africa was never on my bucket list.

That changed when I received an invitation to the Sai International Conference in Nairobi, which included a tantalising safari to the Masai Mara National Reserve before the conference. My interest was further fuelled by the fact that Africa was the only continent visited by my guru, Sathya Sai Baba. So, 11 of us devotees set out with great excitement to this far-off land known for its rich, diverse wildlife.

Upon reaching Nairobi, we were astounded by the numerous Indian restaurants and temples. On our first day, we enjoyed a sumptuous lunch of delectable Indian vegetarian dishes better than any I had tasted in India. After a day’s rest, we set out on the safari, but no one had prepared us for what was to follow: One of the longest and bumpiest drives we had ever experienced.

It rattled every bone in our bodies, but surprisingly, the tummy ache I had before the journey just disappeared! On the way, we caught our first glimpse of wild animals – the huge African buffaloes and the common eland. Dressed in Masai attire, the writer’s husband Dr Hari Dass is flanked by the writer and a Masai tribesman. Photos: Chandrika Nair When we reached our resort, we were.