The Health, Finance, and Education Ministries, together with the Histadrut, agreed to raise public sector psychologists' salaries to increase the number of care providers in the country. The reform, scheduled to start in January 2025, aims to boost salaries to encourage psychologists to transition from private practice to public health services, hospitals, government offices, and municipalities. According to the new salary agreements, an expert psychologist's salary will increase by about 40% on average.

Interns will earn 11,000 shekels per month for a full-time position, experts will earn 13,000 shekels, supervisory psychologists will make 15,000 shekels, and senior supervisors will receive 17,000 shekels per month. In addition to the base salary, psychologists will receive seniority bonuses starting from 2026, with an annual increase of 1.5% per year up to a maximum of 25 years of seniority.

Psychologists will also receive a seniority bonus of 1% for each year of mandatory . Psychologists in managerial roles within the psychological system will receive a salary increase ranging from 5% to 25% of their base salary, depending on their management level and unit size, starting from the team leader level and above. Until the agreement takes effect, all public sector psychologists will receive a one-time bonus of 5,000 shekels in their September salary, proportional to their employment percentage.

said, "We decided on a significant investment in mental health, reflected in the en.