After six years of hard work, 29-year-old Jesse Singh said his real estate side hustle paid off. Singh balanced two nursing jobs while building a real estate company with his father and uncle. 29-year-old Jesse Singh grew up watching his immigrant family juggle multiple jobs while creating a new life in the US .

He grew up working at his father's convenience store, who also worked as a full-time nurse. The experience taught Singh to appreciate the entrepreneurial spirit early on. "I've seen a lot of struggle," Singh said.

"My dad and his brother were living two whole families in a two-bedroom unit." When Singh graduated from high school, he compromised on his parent's wishes for him to become a doctor and agreed to become a nurse. He also decided to start a side hustle in real estate development — and convinced his father and uncle to join in.

A few years later, that side hustle turned into a luxury real estate company called Bespoke Developers . 70+ hour workweeks Singh worked two separate nursing jobs out of college to help fund his real estate ventures. In his busiest year, he made over $200,000 before taxes combined from both nursing jobs.

He said almost all of the money went toward paying off the mortgages for the properties he purchased with his dad and uncle. Singh's employment history and real estate transactions were verified by Business Insider. Some days, Singh said he would arrive at the hospital at 7 p.

m. to work a 12-hour shift. Then, he would go home and slee.